What’s new in 2022

It’s time to solidify writing goals for 2022. I’m going to keep it simple.

Get more short stories submitted. So far, I wrote one from scratch and rewrote two others for submission. I’m going to try to get another one out this week, as well.

Draft a book. I’m not comitting to finishing one this year, but I’m going to get started and take it as far as possible. I finished a rough outline this week and will start fleshing it out. As it gets farther along, I may reveal more details.

Other odds and ends. I’ve got another project perculating that I need to finish off. I’d also like to keep up with writing movie reviews at The Last Movie Outpost.

That’s it. That’s all. There’s no magic formula to it. It’s simply sitting at the keyboard and pecking away. It will add up over time.