Category: Writing

New Book Available

I wrote the first draft of this one a long, long time ago and set it aside. Its combination of comic books, coming-of-age, bullying, school shootings, teen suicide, grooming, indoctrination, fascism and racism seemed like…


It’s been a minute, and 2023 is upon us. Got some things in the pipeline. More news coming soon. Meanwhile, I now have a Facebook page to keep better track of updates.

April 2022 Update

I am grinding away on writing projects. I reviewed a few movies. For example, the new Batman movie. I was not particularly enamored with it. In fact, I found it baffling. It seemed exceedingly misguided…

What’s new in 2022

It’s time to solidify writing goals for 2022. I’m going to keep it simple. Get more short stories submitted. So far, I wrote one from scratch and rewrote two others for submission. I’m going to…

Sick Leave

Apparently, there is there weird type of flu going around. Maybe you have heard of it. I caught it, so my production crumbled this past week. I’m fine. I didn’t feel overly sick, but a…

What’s new?

Where have I been? Grinding away on projects. Sharp Things made it through a reader. I plan to work on the final draft in November. Ideally, it won’t take me that long at this point….