What’s new?
Where have I been?
Grinding away on projects. Sharp Things made it through a reader. I plan to work on the final draft in November. Ideally, it won’t take me that long at this point.
Meanwhile, I’ve been working on another project that I hope to also finish this year. That has been taking up a lot of my time lately.
Combine that writing stuff with regular work stuff and life stuff, and I have been fairly swamped.
I did find time to go to the new James Bond movie, though. I didn’t particularly like it. You should leave a James Bond movie with a smile on your face and a spring in your step. I left with a scowl on my face and a quick stride to distance myself from the movie.

Time To Die suffered the same disease as Skyfall and Spectre. It was way too serious and maudlin. The action was a bit better than Skyfall and Spectre, though. I liked Craig in the role at first. Too bad the movies steadily became more and more morose as time went on. Casino Royale was great, and, in light of Skyfall, Spectre and Time to Die, Quantum of Solace is not that bad.
Hopefully, the next guy’s movies are a bit more deft. I’m not sure who I’d like to see in the role. I don’t think Tom Hardy is right for the part. Henry Cavill could work.

Reading-wise, I picked up Firefox at a book sale. I had read it before, but it was fun to revisit. I also a lot of fun with its sequel — Firefox Down. Craig Thomas really pulled off a neat trick there. He made a sequel book a more entertaining ride than the original. I admire his skill.
And that’s all I got, just bobbing my head to the surface for a breath of air before I go back under and get to work. I also have another movie review to get started on. I perhaps bit off a bit more than I could chew this year. I am looking forward to winter slowing the world down for awhile.